The 15th Conference On Advanced Information Systems Engineering
Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria, June 16 - 20 , 2003
Information Systems for a Connected Society
Organized by
Institute of Informatics Systems
University of Klagenfurt
CAiSE'03 is now over. Many thanks to the sponsors, invited speakers, organizers, programme committee members and people
who helped us to organize the conference.
Most of all, we thank the 260 participants that made the conference and its associated events a success and hope to see you next year in Riga - Latvia,
where the CAiSE*04 Conference will take place.
Invited Talks
The CAiSE'03 invited talks are available in pdf :Serge Abiteboul
Conference proceedings published
by Springer-Verlag
Conference Aims and Objectives
The CAiSE conferences provide a forum for presentation and exchange of research results and
practical experiences within the field of Information Systems Engineering. As in previous years, the conference
programme will feature invited talks, technical paper sessions, workshops, tutorials and panel discussions.
Conference Theme
Connected Society is the goal of the confluence of information systems, telecommunication
systems and their application in business as well as in everyday life. The pervasiveness of infrastructures for
modern information systems greatly extends the demands on engineering information systems in terms of scale,
quality, dependability and adaptability. Information Systems for a Connected Society will be multi-medial,
multi-modal, multi-lingual, and multi-cultural. Situation and location awareness will allow users to cope with the
complexity of these systems. The necessary technologies for building, deploying and maintaining such information
systems will be in the focus of CAiSE’03.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Academic Sponsors
CAiSE´03 e-mail: caise03@isys.uni-klu.ac.at