Program Committee


CAiSE'03: Information Systems for a Connected Society

The 15th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering

Klagenfurt/Velden Austria
16 – 20 June 2003

Call for Short Papers

The CAiSE conferences provide a forum for presentation and exchange of research results and practical experiences within the field of Information Systems Engineering. Connected Society is the goal of the confluence of information systems, telecommunication systems and their application in business as well as in everyday life. The pervasiveness of infrastructures for modern information systems greatly extends the demands on engineering information systems in terms of scale, quality, dependability and adaptability. Information Systems for a Connected Society will be multi-medial, multi-modal, multi-lingual, and multi-cultural.


We solicit results of innovative projects and prototypes as well as promising new approaches, and experience reports as short papers at the conference. They will be included the proceedings “CAiSE Forum” (local publisher), together with the contributions of several of the CAiSE'03 workshops. In addition, the CAiSE Forum will be published electronically and included in the usual indexing services (dblp, citeseer) for rapid and extensive dissemination. Authors should submit their short papers electronically in postscript or PDF format, using the Electronic Submission system


Short papers have to be submitted in final version already. They must not exceed 4 pages and are prepared according to the instructions given at the submission web-site! The short papers must not infringe upon any copyrights or other rights, not contain infringing or other unlawful matter.

It is expected that one of the authors presents the short paper at the conference. For the short papers we will explore new ways of presentation at the conference. Presentations (power point, pdf) can also be made available on the Web-site of the conference.


Methodologies and Models for IS, Requirements Engineering, Infrastructure for Internet Business Models, Data Warehousing & OLAP, E-government, Information Quality, Privacy and Security, Web Content Management, Knowledge Management, Metadata and Ontologies, Support for Cooperative Work, Novel Database Technologies, Distributed and Mobile Architectures, OO and Agent-Oriented Technologies, Aspect-Oriented IS-Design, XML, Languages and Protocols, IS Reengineering, Advanced Application Domains, IS Usability, Interfaces to IS, Validation and Evaluation of IS Models, Web Services, Mobile Commerce Systems

Important Dates

Submission dead line March 20th, 2003
Acceptance notification April 20th, 2003
Camera ready already with submission

CAiSE Forum Chair

Tatjana Welzer
University of Maribor, Slovenia

[last modified by Christina Samonig: 03.03.2003]